Demanda #3882
Demanda #3817: Preparar ambiente de homologação
Solicitar de Redes criação de nova máquina para instalação do GLPI
Solicito criação de uma máquina virtual para instalação do GLPI 10 com as mesmas configurações de processamento, armazenamento e acessos do servidor
A Versão 10 do GLPI necessita dos seguintes pré-requsitos:
Web server Apache 2 (or more recent);
PHP 7.4 (mínimo)
Database MariaDB 10.2 (mínimo)
Mandatory extensions:
Following PHP extensions are required for the app to work properly:
curl: for CAS authentication, GLPI version check, Telemetry, …;
fileinfo: to get extra informations on files;
gd: to generate images;
json: to get support for JSON data format;
mbstring: to manage multi bytes characters;
mysqli: to connect and query the database;
session: to get user sessions support;
zlib: to get backup and restore database functions;
Following PHP extensions are required for some extra features of GLPI:
cli: to use PHP from command line (scripts, automatic actions, and so on);
domxml: used for CAS authentication;
ldap: use LDAP directory for authentication;
openssl: secured communications;
xmlrpc: used for XMLRPC API.
APCu: may be used for cache; among others (see caching configuration (in french only).
Mais informações
Updated by Valkir Santos da Silva over 2 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Nova to Resolvida